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Scroll Down to See the Complete Lineup of
What's Next? Games.

What's Next?
A Life-Size Game

What's Next? A Life-Size Game - M&J Games, LLC
What's Next? A Life-Size Game
What's Next? A Life-Size Game
What's Next? A Life-Size Game
What's Next? A Life-Size Game
What's Next? A Life-Size Game - M&J Games, LLC
What's Next? A Life-Size Game
What's Next? A Life-Size Game
What's Next? A Life-Size Game
What's Next? A Life-Size Game

What's Next? A Life-Size Game will hold the interest of your kids, and to give everyone the chance to share something truly valuable with them — laughter and family fun for all ages!

Fill your home with smiles, active entertainment, and endless joy.

It's the perfect addition to your family's game night. Bond with your kids and leave the screens behind.


What's Next?
A Life-Size Transition Game

What's Next? A Life-Size Transition Game - M&J Games, LLC
What's Next? A Life-Size Transition Game
What's Next? A Life-Size Transition Game
What's Next? A Life-Size Transition Game
What's Next? A Life-Size Transition Game
What's Next? A Life-Size Transition Game - M&J Games, LLC
What's Next? A Life-Size Transition Game
What's Next? A Life-Size Transition Game
What's Next? A Life-Size Transition Game
What's Next? A Life-Size Transition Game

What's Next? A Life-Size Transition Game is a revolutionary tool designed to redefine transition planning for individuals on the autism spectrum.

Developed in collaboration with Rutgers Center for Adult Autism Services (RCAAS), this brand-new innovation embodies our shared commitment to empowering individuals with autism to lead fulfilling and independent lives. This is not just any game; it's an immersive experience that was specifically designed to guide and empower neurodivergent individuals during their journey to adulthood.


What's Next?
The Ultimate Party Game

What's Next? The Ultimate Party Game - M&J Games, LLC
What's Next? The Ultimate Party Game
What's Next? The Ultimate Party Game
What's Next? The Ultimate Party Game
What's Next? The Ultimate Party Game - M&J Games, LLC
What's Next? The Ultimate Party Game
What's Next? The Ultimate Party Game
What's Next? The Ultimate Party Game

What's Next? The Ultimate Party Game is the ultimate game to get your party started.

Step away from the typical party games and check out the jumbo-sized game that gets you up and laughing hysterically.

It’s sure to add excitement and entertainment to social events, making them more enjoyable for everyone.


What's Next?
Special Needs Set

What's Next? Special Needs Set - M&J Games, LLC
What's Next? Special Needs Set
What's Next? Special Needs Set
What's Next? Special Needs Set
What's Next? Special Needs Set
What's Next? Special Needs Set - M&J Games, LLC
What's Next? Special Needs Set
What's Next? Special Needs Set
What's Next? Special Needs Set
What's Next? Special Needs Set

By pairing two of our games, What's Next? A Life-Size Game and What's Next? Social Skills Add-on, we've created a game that's ideal for neurodivergent and neurotypical friends/families, of all ages, to play together — the What's Next? Special Needs Set.

It provides every player with the opportunity to share their similarities, while celebrating their differences together, through gameplay. 


What People are Saying


Become a Part of the Game with What’s Next? from MJ Games

Finding a family activity to do that doesn’t involve screens can be difficult these days but MJ Games has the perfect solution —a game called "What’s Next?". It's a life-size game that's sure to get everyone in your family laughing.

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South Jersey Family Debuts Life-Sized Board Game Created During Pandemic

WILLIAMSTOWN, NJ (WPVI) - Board games were a big go-to during the pandemic, During the lockdown, a South Jersey family created their own board game. Check it out!

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Kelly's Thoughts on What's Next?

Hunting Down The Most Hyped Items Before They Sell OutHunting Down The Most Hyped Items Before They Sell Out

There are so many great products are available to us on the market. As a shopping fanatic, it's satisfying to invest in something different — a product I may have never considered before.

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Former MGK Classic Rock Squad Member is Now a Successful Entrepreneur

One key to our success at MGK is our “Classic Rock Squad” crew. Once they leave, I’m always curious to see where they’re headed. One is a former member is now a successful entrepreneur.

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Family Fun Night: Game Night

Autumn is the perfect time of year for a Game Night.

Try these board games, card games, and dice games for your NEXT family fun night!


Great Finds Under $100 — Gifts for Everyone on Your List

We all have that friend that juggles five jobs at the same time and manages to get you a cute candle every year... or that sits in pjs all day. They're hard to shop for. Check out perfect list of gift ideas for everyone on your list.


Want to See More?




About M&J Games

How They Got Started

M&J Games was born in 2020 out of boredom, and a desire for Marlee and Jerry to give their family of four a non-screen activity they could all enjoy. And, it got them moving!

As they tweaked the tiles, they made something special that they were proud to share.

Their Mission

Inclusion for all players! Activities are designed to be accessible and amusing, so no task is out of reach or too strategic.

What Makes Their Products Unique?

YOU the game piece, so you can show your personality! Each round will feel different based on your opponents, so you’re never playing the same game twice.

Frequently Asked Questions

Quality Products from Our Door to Yours!


Our company is based in the United States. All products are shipped directly from our warehouse within 1-3 business days — for free.


Quality and safety come first for all M&J Games products. Every new item is quality inspected and tested before we ship it anywhere. What does this mean for you?



If your product arrives damaged, no worries! Just reach out to us, and with our hassle-free returns, we'll be sure to make it right.